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Learn More About the Birds of Taiwan

The SOTB 2020 Report is the first comprehensive assessment of the conservation status of Taiwan's birds, integrating data collected through long-term citizen science projects and scientific studies. It provides in-depth analysis of overall species population trends, the status of specific bird groups, current threats, and conservation strategies and actions.

2020 Report for the citizen science project used to monitor the status and population trends of migratory waterbirds in Taiwan proper and its outlying islands. It was conducted from December 21, 2019 to January 12, 2020. During the survey, 1,054 participants recorded 323,979 individuals from 350 species in 176 circle samples.

Have you heard of the Pheasant-tailed Jacana Conservation Park? Managed by CWBF partner group the Wild Bird Society of Tainan, it’s responsible for bringing the local population of jacanas from less than 50 in the 1990s to over 1741 now. Through a mixture of community engagement, education and outreach, and working with the government to promote green certifications and water chestnut cultivation, this documentary looks at just how they did it.

2019 Report for the citizen science project used to monitor the status and population trends of migratory waterbirds in Taiwan proper and its outlying islands. It was conducted from December 15, 2018 to January 7, 2019. During the survey, 1,365 participants recorded 312,948 individuals from 325 species in 179 circle samples.

Citizen science is a powerful mechanism for collecting the data used in assessing the status of bird populations. Pivotal to this effort is effective cooperation between scientists and local volunteers. Composed of government agencies, academic institutions, wild bird societies and local birdwatchers, the State of Taiwan's Birds Partnership (SOTBP) has successfully launched several citizen science projects since 2009.

Created by the CWBF, this is the second edition reference dedicated to discussing Taiwan's Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas.

Produced by the CWBF's Bird Record Committee, this annual publication is the most complete and accurate checklist of the birds of Taiwan and it's outlying islands. 

Produced by the CWBF's Bird Record Committee, this annual publication is the most complete and accurate checklist of the birds of Taiwan and it's outlying islands. 

Published by the Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute and the Forestry Bureau, this report is the first National Red List compiled in accordance with the suggested criteria and guidelines laid out by the International Union for Conservation of nature to asses all of the bird species which occur in Taiwan.

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